4150 Locomotive Fund

December 2024 Update

By Pete Maddicks and Tony Howard.

Well, I do not know if we will get as much done this month! November was exceptional, I would like to put on record my and all the trustees thanks to everyone who put in so much effort to get the second tank completed. Thank you all.

Well, the good news is that on the last Monday the boilershop was open before the Christmas holidays a small team got the driver’s side tank on. Well done boys, it was a great day.

It is going to be a very busy year, we are hoping to get the loco in steam by the end of 2025, but as you know we will have to wait and see! All of the major components are complete, or on order.

Monday 2nd December.
Bob L, Charles L, Dave L, Peter D, Peter M, Phil H, Steve T, Tony H.
The gang were asked to turn up earlier today as the loco was to be shunted round to the Boilershop to have the right-hand tank fitted. Unfortunately, this shunt was cancelled. Hopefully it will be done next Monday. Dave and Steve carried on making the awkward shaped cladding. Peter D was working on lubricating pipework. Charles dismantled the large jig that was made to support the water tanks when they were riveted. Bob painted a lot of bits and pieces of cladding. Peter M, Phil and Tony retrieved the large semi circular brace that fits over the boiler and supports the tanks at the front. All the nuts, bolts and washers were put ready for fitting the tank next week.

Saturday 7th  December.
No work today.

Monday 9th December.
Charles L, Dave L, Peter D, Peter M, Phil H, Si B, Steve T, Tony H
The shunt was cancelled again.
Peter M, Si B, and Tony H  made a second blanking plate to seal off the rear balance pipes. This will give us a chance to fill the water space in the bunker with water to check for leaks. Phil decided to make the ends of the bolts that bolt the supporting bars at the front of the loco look visually more attractive. This meant taking each bolt out one at a time, and using a lathe to dome head the end.
Dave and Steve were doing further work on the awkward shaped cladding. More work was done on lubricating pipework.

Saturday 14th December  
No work today.

Monday 16th December  
Bob L, Bryn T, Charles L, Dave L, Dave Mc, Peter D, Peter M, Steve T, Tony H.
Dave L and Steve T carried on working on the firebox cladding. Bryn, Tony, Charles, and Dave Mc, brought the two left-hand cladding sheets for the firebox from the G.U.V  into the shed ready for Dave and Steve.
Bryn and Tony fitted the straight angle and the two curved angles to the front facing the cab roof. They then fitted the access plate that is fitted to the straight angle to give access to the steam fountain when the cab roof is fitted to the loco.
We made a start to fill the water space in the bunker. With only a couple of inches of water a few leaks appeared. We immediately stopped filling and drained the water off. We think we have cured the problem, so we try again probably in the new year.

Saturday 21st December.
No work today.

Monday 23rd December.
Dave Mc, Peter M, Steve T, Tony H.
At last the planned shunt took place. The loco was shunted round to the Boilershop using the class 14 Diesel, and the Ruston Diesel shunter to move 4150 into the Boilershop itself. The right-hand tank was lifted onto the loco, and bolted down. 4150 was then shunted back into the shed. A big thank you to Olly and Gary for operating the Signalbox and driving the Diesel locomotives.

Monday 30th December  
Jacob L, Peter D, Peter M, Phil H, Simon B, Steve T, Tony H.
The right-hand tank that was fitted last week, was taken off as the reinforcing ring was sitting against the inside of the frame. We had the same problem with the left-hand tank.  After the tank was lifted off, it was placed across the pit stood upright still attached to the Crane and blocks of wood for extra support. Part of the reinforcing ring was removed. The tank was re-fitted to the frames. The semi circular brace was fitted at the front and was bolted to both of the tanks. The cover plate that seals off the access hole at the rear of right-hand tank would not fit over the studs. The holes were opened up on the radial driller, and with a little more filing it fitted. Further work is required on both tanks as they both have got a bow in them so the fixing holes do not line up in the center of the tanks.



The loco on its way out of the boiler shop with the side tank in place, Monday Steve looking on.


Bob L has been busy painting as many small bits and pieces we can find for him! All of them take time to complete, but they are going to be needed to finish the loco.


The steam fountain taking shape in the machine shop.


The front and rear steam heat valves almost complete, again in the machine shop.


The rear steam heat valve in place complete with safety valve mounted on the buffer beam.


Tony H and Bryn T temporarily fitting the angle irons on the front of the cab roof, this was done to allow Dave L to make sure that the cladding on the top of the firebox is correct.


The driver’s side tank removed for a bit of fettling last Monday of the year Steve trimming a little off the curved part of the tank that fits around the boiler barrel.


Si B trims a little off the reinforcing ring that was tight against the frame.